Message from Top Management

Responding to changes in society, we create fresh breezes to blow through the fashion goods industry
Since our foundation over eighty years ago, we have been playing our part in Japan’s manufacturing industry. We now have grown into a leading fashion goods company with approximately six hundred stores all over Japan, including our own online store. Throughout the eighty years, we have always been working hard to maintain the excellence of Japan’s manufacturing industry, including excellent workers, product quality and ensuring the sustainability of Japan’s domestic industries and culture. In recent years, from the environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective, we have also been developing and offering environment-friendly products and distribution as well as engaging in activities for human rights and welfare.
Fashion businesses change at a bewildering pace. In order to keep up with changes and maintain customer loyalty, we must continue to improve our business styles and sales techniques. In recent years, we were among the first to adopt digital transformation (DX), such as Online Merges with Offline (OMO), and are aggressively implementing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to obtain attractive brands.
Working to continue to be an innovative fashion goods company in this new era and to create synergy with our group companies and stakeholders, we will continue to create fresh breezes to blow through the industry.
President & Representative DirectorTakeshi Kiyama